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Post Treatment Advice

3rd November 2012

General Post Treatment Instructions

Directly after treatment, there may be slight redness, swelling, tenderness and a numb sensation in the treated area. Occasionally bruising may occur around the treatment area.  This is an average result of the injection. The irritation is short-term and in general vanishes in a day or two. If irritation continues or if any other reactions occur, please contact us immediately.

Wrinkle Treatments

Refrain from touching the treated area for three to four hours. Remain upright for three to four hours.  Do not engage in strenuous exercise for 24 hours after treatment. Repeatedly tense the treated muscle groups during the three to four hours directly following the treatment, as the toxin works better in active muscles.

Dermal Fillers

Soon after treatment there may be slight redness, swelling, some tenderness, and itching at the site of the treated areas. This is a normal effect of the injection; it is only temporary and as a rule will disappear in one or two days. When the lips are injected the initial swelling may last longer.  Some patients can experience swelling for up to one week and the lips can look uneven during that time. The immediate look of the lips after treatment is not the final result. Avoid touching the treated areas for at least six hours. After six hours have passed, the areas can be washed gently with soap and water and light make-up can be applied. If the area is tender, apply some ice to the treatment site.

Do not engage in strenuous exercise right after the treatment. If possible, avoid the sun, as sun exposure will reduce the persistence of the product. Do not enter sauna’s or environments of extreme heat for at least two weeks following the treatment. Massage the treatment site if you experience lumpiness.

Do not apply any creams which contain alpha hydroxy acids. Avoid the sun and wear a sun screen at all times. Patients who have had cold sores in the past should note that there is always a risk that injecting any product around the lips may cause the herpes to flare up again. Patients taking aspirin, large amounts of vitamin C, anti-coagulants, or any other similar medications should be aware that this could increase bleeding and bruising at the sites of injection.